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Financial Support

Futureworks is proud to offer a range of financial support funds for our undergraduate students. We aim to actively support access to our courses from groups of applicants who are underrepresented in Higher Education that face financial challenges and hardship.

Our financial support funds are designed to enable students to attend university where funding may otherwise be a barrier. The money you receive from a support fund is not a loan: you don’t have to repay it, and it doesn’t affect your Student Finance entitlement. Futureworks operates three funds designed to support new and current students:

  • Disability Referral & Assessment Fund
  • New Students Support Fund
  • Hardship Fund

How does it work? 

  1. Decide which fund(s) you wish to apply for 
  2. Complete the relevant application form on our website (if the fund is application-based)
  3. Applications are reviewed by our Access & Participation Steering Group panel
  4. Successful applicants will be paid directly via bank transfer

Students may apply for more than one fund.

Please note, all awards are discretionary, and the success of any application is not guaranteed, however we would encourage all students who believe they are eligible to apply.

Support Funds: 


Our financial support measures are primarily aimed at achieving higher representation of the following groups: 

  • Individuals from low participation neighbourhoods/socio-economic backgrounds 
  • Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic students
  • Care leavers
  • People estranged from their families
  • People from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
  • Refugees
  • Children from military families
  • Carers

For more information about underrepresented groups in higher education, and how we support these students at Futureworks, please visit our Access and Participation page.

We also offer other means of support which can be found here 

For information about tuition fees and applying for Student Finance please click here.