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Congratulations to our Art & Design Graduates

On Friday, June 21st, our Art & Design Graduates held their Degree Show at Hemsley House in Salford.

Encompassing graduates from all our School of Art & Design courses, the degree show attracted industry and education guests alongside friends, family, tutors and peers. Celebrating the result of three years of dedication from students graduating with degrees in either Game Art, Games Design or Digital Animation with Illustration, the outstanding work on display epitomised the industry-ready skills, creativity and competency we imbue in all Futureworks students ready to embark on their creative career.

“The Degree Show was a great success!” Ken Lau, Head of Futureworks School of Art & Design, said, “The work on display was outstanding, and it was lovely to speak to industry guests as well as our graduates’ proud parents.”

“Graduates did a great job with their displays and promoted themselves extremely well with business cards, pull-up banners and various marketing materials. They were all extremely professional in their approach, and we at Futureworks are incredibly proud of their achievements. We wish them all the very best in the future.”

With job applications underway for all Art & Design graduates, we’re expecting most, if not all, to be in either full-time employment or postgraduate education by the time they return for their graduation ceremony in November.

Ken says, “At Futureworks, we have strong ties to industry. Our tutors are practising industry professionals, and we encourage students to network within the creative industry well before they graduate and seek employment. On average, 9 out of every 10 students will find work or continue in education when they graduate from Futureworks.”

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated Facilities Team, exceptional Art & Design Tutors, and highly talented Graduates. Their combined efforts have made the degree show a resounding success, and we truly appreciate their efforts.

Finally, as our Art & Design graduates embark on their journey towards a rewarding and fulfilling creative career, we send our best wishes. We look forward to hearing about their future successes and their impact on the creative industry. We also remind them that guidance and support are always available via Futureworks Alumni Resources.

View student work in the Futureworks Gallery, and for further information about all of our Futureworks Art & Design Courses click here