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Graduate Interview with David Quixito, First-Class BSc (Hons) in Audio Engineering & Production

Futureworks is the UK’s foremost higher education provider for people seeking a career in the creative industries. Our continuing series of graduate interviews focuses on our BSc (Hons) Audio Engineering & Production degree and how David Quixito transformed his hobby and passion for music into the start of a rewarding career in a relatively unknown sector of audio engineering.

Born in Lisbon, Portugal, with a proud Angolan heritage, David Quixito initially introduces himself as a musician, producer, singer and songwriter, but he’s far more than that. Raised in a musical family, he began his musical career at age 13. initially learning rhythm and tempo by playing drums in church, and later moving on to melody and harmony by learning keyboards and singing in the choir. David’s passion for music and determination to carve out a career as a musician led him to Futureworks. He was awarded a First-Class Honours degree in Audio Engineering & Production in 2024.

Having been mature students and now graduates, David and his wife Flavhya, who graduated in the same year with a degree in Graphic Design. They effortlessly conduct their careers, run a joint business venture, have a shared love of creativity, and together nurture a growing family. David retreated to the silence of his car, parked on the drive, and spoke with us about his time at Futureworks, his future plans, and his new job working in environmental acoustics.

David Quixito

David, why did you want to pursue a music career, and how did you arrive at Futureworks?

“When I was 17 years old, I started working as a health care assistant, but I never saw that as a career; it was just a job. Music fulfilled my need for self-expression, but it was just fun, I never thought that it could be a career, it was just a hobby.”

“In my spare time, I produced music for local artists and bands, but it wasn’t something I deemed a career. I was enjoying myself, putting some beats together at home in Fruity Loops and then running them through Logic afterwards.”

“I’d always wanted a formal, further and higher education, and I always said to myself that if I studied for a degree, it would be in something that I was passionate about, and that’s music. It also has to do with my financial situation. I’d reached the stage where I wanted to record my music, but I could not afford to pay someone to produce it. I needed to find a way to do it myself, produce, mix and master my own music. That was the fundamental reason I wanted to learn those skills, so I didn’t have to depend on, and pay for, a professional to do it for me.”

“I started my formal music education on a foundation course at the School of Electronic Music (SEM) in Manchester before moving on to the Audio Engineering and Production degree course at Futureworks. This is where I learned of all the opportunities available in the music industry. I suddenly realised that I could become a Music Producer, an Audio Engineer, a Mastering Engineer, or a Mixing Engineer; I can work sound to picture… whoa! There was a lot I didn’t know about. It made me realise it’s a vast industry with many opportunities, and my Tutor at SEM recommended I continue my studies at Futureworks!”

Why did you choose Futureworks?

“Futureworks for an Audio Engineering degree made sense to me for a bunch of reasons. They teach you the latest stuff you need to know, and the tutors are experienced professionals who know what they are talking about. You get to use professional gear and software, they have top-notch studios and equipment, and you’re learning in environments like where you’ll be working once you graduate.”

“I attended an Open Day, which was very helpful. I was mesmerised by Futureworks’ facilities, the equipment, the studios, and all the knobs, switches and buttons. It was so impressive! That’s when I thought, this is where I want to study. The tutors asked me about my experience as a producer and musician. I showed them my work on Instagram; they liked it and said I was a good fit and I should apply. So, I did, and here I am with a First-Class degree in Audio Engineering & Production!”

You joined the course as a mature student. Was that challenging for you?

“I was 29 when I started the course, but you know what? I never felt any different than anyone else, and it was great that we had people of all different ages attending the course. I’d already experienced so much of life; for me, being a Dad was my biggest motivation. I wanted to set an example for my kids, to inspire them to do well and go to university, and to let them know that there is no barrier to education. So, apart from my desire to learn audio engineering, my kids were my main motivation.”

What did you enjoy the most about the course?

“Many things, I learnt a lot, but the mentorship of the tutors was key to my growth as an Audio Engineer, especially their feedback. I received long feedback; it gave me a good perspective of where I was on the course and how I needed to change and adapt my work to succeed.”

Did you get on well with your tutors?

“Very well. English is not my first language. I came to the UK eight years ago and had to learn English. So, sometimes the language was a challenge, but the Futureworks Tutors were extremely helpful, approachable and always available. Also, on the course, we were constantly moving as the industry was moving; the teaching was up to date and relevant with what was happening out there, in the real world.”

“Of course, we had to explore the past, the history of music and audio, you must know this to understand why we do things the way we do today. I enjoyed that we were encouraged to apply this historical learning to modern audio engineering techniques to see if we could create innovative, modern ways of interpreting past methods and create something new and different. I found the whole exploratory element fascinating and very much in keeping with where the industry is now.”

“Futureworks and the tutors have excellent connections with the audio industry, which help you get internships and jobs. The job I’ve just started now came from connections within Futureworks that I made during my course, and they offer career support to help you land a job once you graduate. Futureworks is renowned for producing skilled graduates; it’s got a solid reputation, and good graduates are sought after in the industry.”

So, have you already started a job in audio?

“I’ve just signed a contract with Tetra Tech. I acquired the role through Futureworks’ Alumni, Chloe Glenn. She held a Guest Master Class and talked about her work at Tetra Tech. She mentioned how environmental acoustics is a stable vocation in the audio industry. I contacted Chloe after the Master Class, and I got an interview and a job. Ultimately, I’d like to become an Acoustics Technician, and initially, I am working as an Environmental Sciences Technician. As a parent with a family to care for, having a career in a thriving industry is a secure choice. I’m learning a lot; it’s different and interesting, and I’d like to make this my career. It’s a difficult industry to get into, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given.”

“Also, I graduated two weeks ago at the graduation ceremony at UCLan (University of Central Lancashire is Futureworks’ University Partner). It was a double celebration because my wife, Flavhya, graduated the same week. She graduated as a Graphic Designer, and we’ve started our digital marketing agency, D&F Media.”

“We create content for small businesses in Manchester. It’s a membership format built around monthly contract options. We work with businesses to develop their online content, and we help promote them. I record the audio and video, my wife builds the content and the design, I edit and create packs of video reels, and we manage their social media and help grow their businesses. I’m surprised at how well it’s doing; we already have ten clients, and business is growing!”

What would you say to persuade someone to consider studying Audio Engineering & Production at Futureworks?

“Presuming they’re from a musical background like me, I’d say, ‘do it!’ You will learn how to hone and control the skills that you’ve learnt independently, make better future decisions for your work, and kickstart your career. The course is definitely Audio Engineering AND Production, and it will never hold back your creativity, even when you’re getting really technical with the mixing and mastering. In every module I produced in my course, I had the opportunity to work with music. It didn’t have to be, but I chose to include music in everything, and that’s the lovely balance you have; the course enables creativity whilst teaching you in-depth technical expertise. Futureworks will improve your skills as an Audio Engineer and a Music Producer, but it will still allow you to be creative and innovative. Just go for it!”

You can listen to David’s music, discover his audio engineering talents, and contact him via his portfolio website. If you’re seeking social media content, you can reach out to David or Flavhya at D & F Media via their Instagram account.

Has David inspired you to pursue a career as an Audio Engineer? Why not book on to a Futureworks Open Day and meet the tutors who inspired and mentored him.

At the Open Day, you’ll receive a tour of our facilities, get hands-on with equipment, watch demos, listen to student work and learn more about our BSc (Hons) degree in Audio Engineering & Production, the course modules and how to apply. You’ll also have a chance to meet our students, hear what they say, and discover why Futureworks is the UK’s foremost provider of creative degree courses for individuals seeking a worthwhile and rewarding career in Sound, Audio Engineering and Music Production.

We’re excited and looking forward to meeting you!

Read more about our School of Sound & Music Production on our website.