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Welcoming the World to Futureworks

Welcoming the world to Futureworks – we are delighted to announce that Futureworks is now able to accept applications from international students!

International Students

The Creative Industries in the UK are thriving – employing over 2 million people and, according to the DCMS, contributing £109 billion to the economy in 2021. The UK has the largest film & TV production industry in Europe and the largest by value outside Hollywood with production spend on film and high-end TV reaching a record £6.27 billion in 2022. The UK and Ireland market is also the world’s fifth-biggest global box office territory, with cinema admissions at 169 million in 2018, 177 million in 2019 and 117 million in 2022 after the pandemic. Based on the latest calculations for the respective UK sectors within the domestic market, immersive content generated £660m in sales in 2018; animation was valued at £1.5bn in direct gross value added (GVA) in 2019; VFX content generated £1.68bn in GVA in 2019; the video games consumer market was valued at £7bn in 2022; and post-production generated £2.2bn in revenue in 2022.

However, a recent BFI report identified that skills gaps and shortages are prevalent across the UK’s digital content production sectors and this includes animation, video games, visual effects and post-production – the full report can be found here

International Students

These industries benefit hugely from a diverse group of people from a variety of cultures, countries and backgrounds bringing their ideas and experiences together and at Futureworks, we want to help to develop the next generation of graduates for the Creative Industries. We recognise the great value of diversity in our student culture, and we consider a rich and diverse student body a privilege which benefits the learning environment of our organisation. We’ve really missed our EU students who weren’t able to study with us after the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union and earlier this year we applied for a UKVI sponsor license.

We are now accepting applications from international students for September 2024 entry and are busy updating our website with information. If you’re interested in finding out more, please get in touch via [email protected]  or you can submit your application via UCAS. September 2025 entry will be open for applications via UCAS from September onwards.

We’d like to thank to all staff involved in making this happen and we cannot wait to welcome our new international students to Futureworks – we know you will be a positive addition to our student community and play a successful part in the Creative Industries in the UK.